Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What I eat and when.

Aloha, carb counting folks of the universe!

So, this time around I promised to talk about some of the things I eat, in a day, and when.

I was thinking though that it might be more useful to simply talk about some of the foods that I eat that are lower in carb, that I often use to replace typical carb-filled foods for meals. I also thought to mention about Drinks, and eating at Restaurants.

I want to re-stipulate that I DO in fact, eat carbs. This isn't a ketosis diet. I eat between 70-100 grams-ish of carbs in a day, usually. I don't eat any breads if I can help it, but honestly that's a thing about me and wheat, and how we are no longer friends ;D

So, here are some of the foods I replace with:

Sausages (Specifically those nice canned hot dogs)
Salad foods such as Lettuce, Avocado, Cucumber
Actual protein-centric products such as Low-Carb brand food bars, and shakes
Steak, and other plain meats

I admit, I'm not very creative with it, but you can also use fish, cooked or uncooked, and there are a myriad of other great vegetables such as pak choy and water chestnuts, google is a great tool for finding out more on that. Its less expensive to buy these things fresh and cook them yourself, and buying meat from a butcher can sometimes be a lot less expensive than buying meat at a supermarket.

I also eat a remarkably large amount of chocolate. S'not as bad for you as you think. Read the packets, take note of the serving sizes in the description vs the carb %.

And now, about Drinks: you can get a surprising amount of diet drinks that taste pretty amazing- you can get diet iced tea, too! I want to reiterate that Juice and Juice Drinks are BAD FOR YOU, though. Very bad. Don't drink juice if you want to loose weight. In fact; if I am gonna go so far- don't drink anything that isn't water or sweetened with a sweetener.
Giving up the sweet soft drinks is, I hear, the hardest part. Most restaurants don't stock anything diet that isn't Diet Coke, Coke Zero, or Water. (As a diabetic, this has been consistently frustrating. What if you want something nice and don't feel like bloody cola?) Just remember that you're trying to achieve something here, don't lie to yourself and tell yourself that just one, or a little bit is ok- you'll end up just drinking that stuff again.

But anyway. If you're out to lose kilos, don't expect restaurants to cater for you. You ARE going to have to make sacrifices in this piece. When you order, realize that yes, you're going to have to not eat most of the chips/potato/bread that they serve you. And that it doesn't matter if you don't eat it, you don't have to. Those things are meal stuffers things that fill out the plate so you feel like you're getting a bigger meal and better value; when the expensive products such as meat and veggies come in far smaller serves. And for the love of god, don't order the pasta, lol! Pasta is the WORST for that kind of treatment.

Remember that this isn't forever. You don't have to not eat these foods forever. You just have to give yourself long enough to lose the weight you want, and then gently ease SOME of those foods back in.
But if I were you, I'd give up the full strength soft drinks and juice more permanently ;D that stuff is evil.

As always, please research these things for yourself. I don't know everything and my talks with you are limited to my own research and experience. I could be wrong! Or not. But you need to make your own mind up :) See your Doctor! ;D

1 comment:

  1. Giving up pasta and rice has been the hardest part for the low carb diet I now follow. To be honest, I still end up serving some with some dinners... however, I've phased it out quite a lot and serving "meat and three veg" meals. They sometimes work out cheaper too :)

    I might give canned sausages a try~ if they are like frankfurts, I like frankfurts more than actual sausages XD

    Thank you for your advice with the diet plan. I'm still struggling at the moment, but hopefully keeping it up and going to the gym will help me achieve my desired body in the long run.
